Lean Management
The Lean Company is consistently focused on its customers and follows the lean management principle of "creating value without waste" in all organizational areas.

Holistic value creation system without waste
The Lean Company is consistently focused on its customers and pursues the lean management principle of "creating value without waste" in all areas of the organization. All employees are involved in the continuous improvement process - this forms a strong cultural basis. Thinking in terms of processes rather than functions is predominant, which is supported by a value-creation-oriented organization. Managers see themselves as coaches who create the best possible conditions for their team. A high level of transparency with strong visualization characterizes everyday work. Challenges and problems are actively and systematically dealt with and solved on the spot.
The vision of a holistic "Lean Company" from product development to the supply chain is the basis of our range of services.
LMX supports you individually through consulting, training and coaching in all areas of the Lean Company.
The focus is always on working in partnership with project sponsors and local employees.